Mamma’s Wedding Dress

For most of history, brides rarely purchased a dress specifically for their wedding day. The bride would typically wear her finest dress to the ceremony, even if it was a dark color.
               Blue was a popular choice as it represented purity, piety and a                connection to the Virgin Mary, plus the dark color easily hid stains                              and imperfections and could be worn again.
The 1840 marriage of England’s Queen Victoria t is considered the seminal white-wearing occasion.  Her stunning white dress inspired thousands of woman to follow suit. Almost a decade after the wedding, Godey’s Lady’s Book, one of the first women’s magazines in America, declared that white was the most fitting hue for a bride.

From then on, brides interested in showing off their wealth and social rank made sure to wear white dresses.  Since white was a hard color to obtain, only wealthier women could afford such a dress. 

The white-dress trend grew scarce during the Great Depression, when  it was difficult for most people to spend money on a gown they would never wear again. 
Instead, brides returned to the tradition of wearing their best outfit, which was usually a darker color instead of white. 

In the second half of the 20th century, white became a popular color once more,  popularized by the weddings of Grace Kelly, Princess Diana and other iconic women who married during this time.

Today, girls dream about their wedding dress from the time they are very little.  They choose from millions of colors, styles and fabrics for their dream day. While shape and style vary drastically from bride to bride, traditional white and light-colored dresses are still most popular, as many today view white not so much as a symbol of wealth but rather one of purity and virtue. 
Dream on little one.