Ice Dreamz

Cold or Hot?
Winter or Summer?

Ice Skates or Suntan lotion?

Snow or Sand?

Snowboarding or Surfing?

Boots or Flip-flops?

Coat or Swimsuit?

Doctor Zhivago or National Lampoons Vacation?

Winter or Summer Olympics?

Ice or Fire?

Kara Keough

You know her as the “hot” girl from the family that started the Real Housewives franchise: The Real Housewives of Orange County.
I know her as the “cool” high school senior who walked into my class four years ago.

It takes little to no talent or effort to be a “hot” girl. Even Miss Hilton considers the most trivial things in this world to be “hot”.

What makes someone “cool” are their personality, drive and character. Things that make someone “cool” are more than skin deep.
When I met Kara I knew right away that this “hot” girl had more going on than met the eye. What made her so “cool”? Kara was a girl who knew what she believed in, what she wanted from life and what was right and wrong. Kara wasn’t afraid to seem, “uncool” which is exactly what made her “cool”.
As a high school senior, she had volunteered to mentor my freshman students. She let them know upfront that partying was not the way to go. She led by example! She let them know that it was “not cool” to drink and do drugs. I think it makes a person pretty “cool” to have that kind of confidence and take a stand for what is right.

What else makes Kara so “cool”? While others in the Reality Show World have gone down the path of fleeting quick “hot” stardom, Kara has kept a “cool” head and put her mind to her studies at two of this nation’s top Universities: UCLA and UC Berkley. I think an educated mind is pretty “cool”.

Why is it that a little skin and sex appeal in the snow doesn’t seem to appear sleazy, while the same poses in a bathing suit do?

The Ice can easily and quickly extinguish Fire

Frozen preserves……..Fire destroys

Christmas without “cold” and “snow” is just; well it’s Christmas in Southern California.

When you are “cold” you can always put more on

You only have so much to take off when you are “warm”

Hey girls, research shows that being very cold can increase metabolism by up to 20 percent!

Why do I love “Winter” and the “Cold” so much? Maybe it’s my father’s and grandfather’s Northern Canadian Viking blood which courses through me.  Maybe it’s the 15 years I spent in a cold ice rink training for an Olympic dream in figure skating.  Maybe it’s the sense of peace I experience when I smell ice and snow.  Maybe it’s because of my pale skin and fair complexion which burns but doesn’t tan.  Maybe it’s that I feel happier, more creative and content in the cold weather.  Maybe it’s that I have spent my whole life in Southern California and so desire REAL seasons. 

In the end:
“It doesn’t matter if the water is cold or warm if you’re going to have to wade through it anyway”

Like Mother, Like Daughter. 
When Kara sent me the above photo of her mom Jeana Keough, taken when she was in her 20’s, I could hardly believe my eyes.  Kara looks so much like her mother it is unbelievable.  I’m so glad that I was able to do a shoot for Kara in a style so similar to what Jeana had taken in the 1980’s.  Both such beautiful woman.  Both so strong.   I hope I will have the chance to photography the two of you together. 

Kara, thank you so much for helping my vision come to fruition. I know you have only begun to show the world how much you have inside you. You are one of the “coolest” girls I know. We made a great creative team!