The Horse Whisper

There once was a girl who had a dream about a horse
This horse that came to her in the dream called to her to come and find him
The girl traveled far and wide to find her horse
She knew when she found him he would be her soul mate
The girl found her dark Friesian horse, took him to her fairytale home called Toadstool farm and called him Pagan
Other horses came to join this fairytale world with their fairytale warrior amazon who loved on them all
Although the girl loved all her horses, the bond between Pagan and herself went deeper then mere mortal connection.
Pagan and the girl had know each other for many lives
Bonded on a level that only the two could understand
Although the girl was beyond beautiful in the world of man and had the inner strength of her Amazon ancesors, she still felt like a misfit.
Pagan understood her
She understood him
The girl could speak to horses in a language that only they and her could understand
Many called her the Horse Whisper
The girl was most happy and content when among her horses
They understood her in ways that mortal man did not
Their souls were entwined
The Farm is the girls true home
The horses the girls true family

When she runs with the horses she is one with them.  Strength, beauty and grace all combined as one source of energy.

No words can explain the girl and her horse
And when the girl passed from this world
She still walked amongst the horses
Her soul lived on as one with them
“I have this theory, I  believe when the world of mortal man and the world of fairy separated and the fairies left, horses were fairy creatures that chose to stay behind with us.”
Jacqueline Collon-Tarrolly
ToadStool Farm