First Day of School

September 9, 2013
Konnor’s First Day of Kindergarten
My dear Konnor, today you start your first day of school.  You have been so eager for this day to come.  You got ready so quickly this morning, making me laugh as  you ate your breakfast with your silly Konnor faces.  You even made sure to give Woolfgang special love before you left for the day.
We made a book for Kaleb on his first day of Kindergarten.  Now it is your turn Konnor to have a book of your very own. (Mamma is making it for you)

You literally ran out of the house to start your journey to school.  Your dear little feet, in your new shoes, ran ahead of me.  You always seem to have one foot out the door in life.  You are ready to take on the world.

Konnor, you have looked up to Kaleb for years as he went off to school.  As you looked to Kaleb, Kingston will now look to you.  Kingston wanted to go to school just like you.  In a few years it will be his turn to have this special day and he will look to you to lead.  You are an amazing big brother to Snuz. 
My heart was so happy that you let me take your photo on this special day.  Normally you run from my camera. 
Konnor, you are so handsome. 
Your eyes and smile light up my camera, my world and my soul.
 6 little feet, 6 little hands.  Brothers bounded by love.
 Mamma wasn’t sure she wanted to let you go. For 5 years you have looked to me as the girl in your life.  Now I have to share you with your teachers.  Don’t forget how much mamma loves you and how proud she is of you!

You admire and want to be like Kaleb.  My two little men.  Brothers and friends.
Kaleb shared in your big day.  Today he started his first day of 3rd grade.  Remember Kaleb is there with you if you ever need him.

 Everyone wants to be your friend Konnor.  You always say, “Hi friend, Hi friend!” to all those you meet.  You have an amazing spirit that makes people want to be around you.  Your heart is so big!  You want so much to do what is good and right.  Always stay that way my son, no matter what crosses your path.  Your spirit will take you far in life.

You walked into class with such confidence.  You were ready to start learning.  You found your name, sat down and started to work right away.

You wrote your name all by yourself.  I am so proud of you and how smart you are.
You picked a seat on the orange square……your favorite color.  You listened the whole time to Mrs. Samis and raised your hand just like she told you to do.
 It feels like just yesterday that you were a little baby in my arms.  I was able to protect you from all harm.  Now I am releasing you into the world.  Remember all that we have taught you about right and wrong.  You make me so proud Konnor. 
I love you big world.

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