The Boy Who Lost His Kingdom

Once upon a time in the far off land of McElfish there lived two PrincesThe two Princes were the best of friends
Who did everything together

The oldest of the two brothers was Prince Kaleb, who his father the king had given charge of the region to govern

The younger of the brothers was Prince Konnor. Prince Kaleb loved and trusted his brother so much that he had given half the kingdom he was assigned to Prince Konnor to govern next to him.

One day, Prince Kaleb was summed by his father to lead the battle in the next land to defend their family kingdom.

Being the mighty and brave Prince that he was, Prince Konnor donned his sword and shield and prepared to head off to battle.

While away, Prince Kaleb asked his brother Prince Konnor to not only watch over his area of the kingdom, but to take care of his mighty stead, “Puppy”.

Prince Konnor took this job very seriously as he knew how much “Puppy” meant to his brother. He fed, watered and took “Puppy” out for a walk daily, along with giving him loads of extra love and attention.

One morning on the their walk, Prince Konnor noticed that “Puppy” wasn’t his normal self. Fearing the worst, Prince Konnor took the might stead to the lands doctor and sent for Prince Kaleb.

By the time Prince Kaleb returned from battle, “Puppy” took a turn for the worse.

Overcome with grief, Prince Kaleb distanced himself from his brother.

Poor Prince Konnor was filled with grief, despair and doubt.

Feeling that he had let down his brother, best friend and kingdom, he stripped himself of his crown.

Seeing how upset Prince Konnor was, Prince Kaleb ran to his brother, embraced him with a hug and placed his brothers crown back upon his head. He reassured Prince Konnor that he did not hold him responsible of “Puppy’s” illness and that he loved his brother with all his heart.
A week later, “Puppy” made a full recovery and the young Princes lived Happily Ever After.

This photo shoot came courtesy of my sons being invited to a Princess and Prince birthday party. After purchasing their costumes, they looked so adorable, that it gave me the idea for this shoot. I hope you all enjoyed the Boy Who Lost His Kingdom.
My little men, you make my stories come alive.