The Beginning Photographer

Everyone that becomes something great has to start at the beginning.  My two year old Konnor is starting on his journey into greatness.  For Christmas I bought my boys their own working “kid” cameras.  Konnor has taken to photography like a fish to water……no pun intended on our last name (McEl…
This little man of mine walks around taking pictures of everything and everyone he sees.  He gets so excited to take pictures.  The scary thing with all this……the kid has a great eye.  I look at what he has snapped and it’s really good.
Going for a different perspective.  He’s already mastering how to get a great shot.
He’s checking his work. Yep, it was a great shot!
Ah my little Konnor, your smile makes my heart leap.  Your love of life is so catching. 
“Say Cheeeeeezeeee”, as Konnor says in his two year old voice. Or, “smile mamma”
Well, I’d like to say the Konnor took this picture, but it was the mamma.  Kaleb was feeling left out so he climbed up the slide and said, “mamma, take my picture!  This would make a great picture.  I”m posing for you.”  Ah my little blue eyed boy.  Your heart is so soft and tender.  Mamma loves both her boys so much.  You are the reason I picked up a camera.