What to Expect When You are Expecting

When I was pregnant with my first child, I like all woman, bought the bible of all pregnancy books, What to Expect When You are Expecting.  By the time I got to the fifth chapter I threw it across the room.  It was making me mad and a little guilty (my hunger was increasing, not decreasing like the book said it should be in the second trimester). 
By chance I picked up Jenny McCarthy’s book Belly Laughs.  Her book not only had be cracking up, but made me feel I wasn’t crazy with what I was feeling not only in my body but in my head.  Now that I have experienced three pregnancies, here are some positive thoughts about the 10 months (yes I said 10) that forever will change your life and body.
The Baby Naming Book. It’s so fun to go through the book with a highlighter,  marking the names that jump out at you.  And don’t forget those middle names, a name is so important. .  You will also be surprised how many names you DO NOT like. 
The problem comes when you and your hubby can’t agree on a name (this happened with our second boy).  In the end, you know when you hold your baby which name will fit them.  It will just feel right.
When two complete strangers meet and have nothing but pregnancy in common, you can strike up a conversation; even a friendship based on shared experiences.  It’s like you get to be apart of a special club that you never realized existed.  I have a very special bond with my girlfriends who went through pregnancy at the same time I did.
Shopping for baby clothes!  They are beyond the cutest things in the world.  You can’t believe anything can be so small as to fit into those jammies.  Don’t get me started on the cuteness of the hats and shoes.  Although girls clothes are a zillion times cuter then boy clothes (remember I have 3 boys and know this well) they are still pretty adorable.   I loved looking in the closet with all the tiny little outfits hanging up on miniature hangers, just waiting for the arrival of my baby.   
You are treated like a privileged person.   People tend to get up and give their seat to you, open doors for you, offer to get and carry things for you.  You get asked first where you want to eat, where you want to go and what movie you want to see. 
You will have the most long, thick and lushest hair you have ever had in your life!  Pregnancy hair is amazing.
 Nesting!  There is a 100% truth that a few weeks before a woman gives birth she will start to nest.  Not only are you getting the room and all the items ready for your little bundle, the rest of your house gets an amazing cleaning.  I even cleaned out and scourer the medicine cabinet.
Buying that first little cuddly toy for your baby, not somebody else.
The quickening or the feeling of the baby moving about inside, especially the first fluttering. Although later it will feel like the baby is playing soccer inside, the first movements of the baby can be fascinating; known to none but the mother herself.  Once you see your belly move for the first time, you know that you will never be the same. 
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