Waiting For Little Sister

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One of the wonderful sides of photography is watching people and families grow and change over the years.  When I started taking pictures, I thought that I would just be documenting the wonder and ever changing world of my little men.  When I moved into photography as a profession, I didn’t think of the long term relationships that would grow out of this job.  I get to be apart of chronicling other people’s changing worlds. 
Welcome to Jacqui’s world.  Things are about to change again for her and I get to be apart of it in a small little way.  My journey with Jacqui started when she was a senior in high school and I was her art teacher.  After finding me on Facebook we were able to reconnect and  I had the honor of photographing her wedding. 
See their beautiful wedding:  Jacqui and Brian’s Wedding
In a few short weeks Jacqui and Brian will be welcoming a new baby girl into their family.  She will have along with her parents, two amazing older siblings to guide her, pick on her and love her.  One to share clothing with and one to protect her.  Ryder and Jaden, the wait for your little sister is almost over.