Triplets……3xs the Love

When I was growing up I always wanted to be a twin or triplet.  I use to pretend my Cabbage Patch Kids were triplets (2 girls and a boy).  In my tween years, I read every single Sweet Valley High book and dreamed of being Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield.  In junior high I went to school with triplet girls and was so envious of having that type of connection.  Imagine a built in best friend!  The wanting of multiples has carried over into my adult life.  With every pregnancy, I would secretly hope it was going to be twins or more (shhhhhhhhhh don’t tell my husband or he will never let me have another baby).
Last month I was over the moon when I got to photography the Waite triplets: 
Shane, Brayden, and Ireland
I thought it would be fun to have their mommy share some of the funny, silly and heart felt things about having triplets.  Below are the words straight from her heart.  They had my laughing out loud and the next minute wiping away a tear.
*Our all time favorite question from strangers is… Do triplets run in your family? Just come out and say… did you have IVF to make those babies? Now when people ask us if Triplets run in our family, we answer… Yes they run ramped in our family on both sides. My Mom is a triplet, my grandfather is a triplet, and so is Chris’ Dad.
*You wouldn’t believe how many people ask us if they’re identical too! I’d answer… yes, her vagina is identical to his penis.
 *3 years ago, I had never been so frightened in my entire life. People were so gloom and doom about our news of becoming parents to triplets. Other comments we got all the time right after they were born… “You guys are screwed!” and “Better you than me!” and “Oh you should talk to the OctoMom!” No one ever said, “Wow you’re having triplets? That’s awesome… every child is such a blessing and you guys are so lucky. ” I had the babies out at the market one day when they were about 10 months old. A lady stopped me and said, I always wanted twins or triplets… you are so lucky.” It made my eyes water a little… I actually hugged her and thanked her!
Well… apparently God knows me much better than I know myself because I have never been so happy. I’d be a liar if I said it wasn’t the hardest thing I’ve ever done… but I can say, it’s the BEST thing I’ve ever done.
You know you have Multiples when……

*You can unload three babies from car seats and put them in your stroller WHILE you are laughing at the singleton mom getting her stroller out of her car.
*A regular sized pack of diapers lasts only 3 days.
*You are obsessed with diapers.
*You have people asking if you run a daycare because that’s what your yard looks like.

*You buy Motrin, Cough Syrup, etc, 3 at a time, and the clerk looks at you funny, while the whole time you are wishing they sold it in gallon containers.
*Everyone in the neighborhood knows who you are, even though you’ve never met them before.
*You are both shocked by the rudeness, and amazed by the kindness of strangers in the same 60 seconds upon entering Walmart.

*You refer to your babies as A B and C and they are color coded.
*You buy a single weeks worth of formula, and the clerk asks you if you are stocking up.
*You laugh at singleton moms for sterilizing pacifiers.

*Your kids have never actually walked through the zoo or store, because getting out of the stroller is NOT an option.
*And whats with the one day supply of infant Tylenol… don’t they know I need a 10oz bottle?
*You don’t think the Suburban is a large vehicle.
*When hearing of a new pregnancy, you first question is “just one?”
*You don’t want to potty train because the though of trying to take all 3 to a public bathroom yourself sends shivers up and down your spine.
*You consider going to the hospital for any procedure a vacation.
*You arrive at your doctor’s appointments early just to read the magazines in peace.
*You laugh at singleton moms that are struggling to get their stroller out of the car.
*You wonder how come singleton moms need a diaper bag the size of a suitcase, while you travel with enough for your babies in a bag half the size.

*You intentionally feed all 3 kids from the same spoon and bowel even though one is sick, because you can’t bear the thought of 3 consecutive 2 week cold sessions, you’d rather have them sick at the same time.
*When discussing child proofing and singleton moms say “you just have to tell them no, you can’t child proof everything” and you laugh and say “Wanna Bet?”
*All of a sudden everyone you know, knows someone with Twins.
*You have to wash the dinner dishes by hand because the dishwasher is full of bottles.
*The singleton mom in front of you at Walmart buying one can of formula and one bag of diapers complains about the price and you have to restrain yourself from hitting a complete stranger.
*You are both revered and hated by the staff at your pediatrician’s office.
*You don’t see anything unusual with the fact that you know not one, but several, triplet or quad moms.
*All kids are aware that any sippy cup left unattended is fair game.
*You can carry 3 plates of food and 3 cups to the table without spilling anything and you’ve never been a waitress.
*You automatically divide or multiply everything by 3.*You have diapers in your purse, in the glove compartment, your desk drawer and in every room of the house – just in case.
Dear Shane, Brayden, and Ireland,
I love the three of you with my whole heart. If there is one thing mommy wants you to always remember, it’s how badly I wanted you. Ever since I was a little girl, God put a deep desire in my heart to have children. My first word was baby; seriously you can ask your grandma about it someday.
So, I grew up, went to college, did some things, tried some things, succeeded and failed. Still, when people asked me what I was passionate about, I always answered with, “being a mommy some day.” Then I met your father, oh just wait til the three of you meet this man! It didn’t take long until we were madly in love and saying “I do”. Loving your father has brought me a joy I have never known before. Our lives were picture perfect, but with my inborn desire to hold you in my arms and your father’s excitement to be a dad we knew the time had come to start our family.
The journey began…The first month came and went, then the first year came and went, and then the second year. I felt my heart begin to break. As time continued to pass I couldn’t understand how God could put this desire in my heart and not allow me to attain my dream. Even when we sought fertility help we came up empty handed time and time again. Some day your father can tell you about the drugs that made your mommy crazy. Endless days of shots, nausea, bed rest, emotional and physical pain, and failed pregnancy tests created a hurt inside me I can’t even begin to explain.
Then the day came when I stood in the office and Dr. Werlin told me you were growing inside me. I remember saying, “it can’t be true, it must be another woman’s blood test”. Days and weeks passed and I began to realize it was true and all my emotional hurt began to fade, but new physical pains were to come.
Right now the three of you are safe and growing inside me. Although I can’t wait to meet you, I don’t want this moment we have together now to slip away. I realize now that God didn’t want me to have any child; he wanted me to have you Shane, and you Brayden, and you Ireland. This is exactly how God had planned it. The three of you were meant to be born at this time, to this family, to make us complete. I will thank him each day you grow inside my belly and everyday after that.
I love you with my whole heart,

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