This Doesn’t Look Like Orange County

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 I live in Orange County.  I am an Orange County girl through and through. As a teenager, I use to run and play in Hollywood, the whole time trying to deny that I was from behind the “orange curtain”.
As I have grown older I have come to fall in love with my community.  There is so much more to Orange County than what is shown in a reality show or the OC saga. 
One of my favorite things to do is shop at TJ Maxx or Ross.  It’s not about the great pricing, but the hunt!  I love that you have to dig to find something good.  
Part of the fun I am having as a photographer is finding little hidden gems that are within 20 minutes of my home.  I love the hunt.
When I was feeling the need to get my “girlie fix”, I called up my cousin.  I had an idea in my head of what I wanted the shoot to look like.  The goal now was to find a location that fit this vision.
People ask me how I find these little nooks within the borders of Orange County…………I go on the hunt.  It usually starts with me packing all 3 of my boys in the car, turning on the Phineas and Ferb soundtrack and driving.  I literally just start driving.  If I see a road or area that seems interesting, I’ll just start following it.  The boys are so trained on our drives now,  that they will point out spots to photograph at. 
 “Mamma, look over there!  That would be a good place to do a photoshoot.”
“Mamma, that looks old fashioned, you would like that.”
Tucked into the hills of Orange County I found this spot.  It fit my vision perfectly.  And my little cousin Rachel……..she rocked it!