The Piano

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I just found this little photo shoot of my babies hidden in a file folder I had forgotten about.  Don’t know how I missed posting it because it is one of my favorite shoots of my boys.

This little munchkin is my youngest Kingston, a.k.a. The Snuz.  To know The Snuz is to love him.  How did he get the nick name The Snuz?  When he was born, he was just so snuzzly so we started to call him Snuzzles!  As he has aged, he has begun to show a bit of a temper.  When his brothers would do something to make Kingston angry, I started to say, “Boys, do not anger The Snuz.”  His brothers thought it was the funniest thing in the world that I called him that and started saying, “Yes mamma, let’s angry The Snuz!  It’s so much fun to anger him.”

Now as he is entering his second year, The Snuz’s personality is really starting to show through.  He is a smart little cookie.  He knows how to use his charm and smile to get what he wants.  When he has down something wrong, he will look at you out of the side of eyes and give you a smirk that says, “I did something wrong, but I’m going to get away with it.”  With all his charm, you do not want to make him mad.  An angered Snuz is not a good time.

My dear Konnor.  My middle son.  Everyone that meets Konnor loves him.  He is the most popular boy everywhere he goes.  He has one of the most easy going spirits you will ever met.  Things just role off his back like water.  He is just happy being alive and loving life.  My little man has a heart as big as the world.  He is always doing things for others and is the first to share.  And talk about a natural athlete……….Konnor is a little power house.  He takes after his mamma in this area.
This little boy is going to do great things in life.  He has my heart.  
Now if I can only get him to let me take photos of him………I’m always lacking in the amount of Konnor photos I have because as he says, “Mamma, I’m sooooooooooooooo tired of you taking photos of me.  Why do I always have to be in photos?  I’m not taking anymore photos for you!”  

Last we have Kaleb.  My first born.  The start of the change of all that is me.  Kaleb is a very, very old soul.  He feels things deeper then most people.  He is attached to my hip even now as a 7 year old.  While Konnor has my heart, Kaleb tugs at my soul.  This boy will bring healing to this world someday.