The Glass Overflowing

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 Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full person? 
When you meet Lydia, she is neither.  She is the glass overflowing!  This is in no way an exaggeration.  Getting to know Lydia has been a pure joy.  Everyone that crosses her path leaves a happier person.  She can take any negative situation and turn it into a positive with added whip cream and a cherry on top.  The happiness she has and shares is from her soul.  It emanates from deep within.  I wish I could be this joyful.  She literally makes me want to be a better person. 
I have wanted to take photos of Lydia for two years.  She visited my classroom last year on a number of occasions to be a model for a students portrait assignment.  I feel in love with her look instantly.  Her hair, her bone structure and the way she naturally took to the camera made me long to get her in front of my lens.  Finally, as she nears the end of her senior year I was able to photograph her………and she did not disappoint.