Simple Kind of Life

And all I wanted was the simple things
A simple kind of life
And all I needed was a simple man
So I could be a wife
I always thought I’d be a mom

Sometimes I wish for a mistake
The longer that I wait the more selfish that I get
Now all those simple things are simply too complicated for my life

How’d I get so faithful to my freedom?
A selfish kind of life
When all I ever wanted was the simple things
A simple kind of life
Gwen Stefani- No Doubt

I LOVE No Doubt and Gwen Stafani!
I have been going to No Doubt concerts before they hit stardom and would play a noontime show at Cal State Fullerton.  I have adored No Doubt since the days when Gwen would wear overalls and Dr. Martins in concert.  
 Mary was one of my main sidekicks when we’d hit up the local concert circuit.  We both loved No Doubt.  I  remember one day at school, Mary walking into class and declaring that she was going to be Gwen Stefani when she grew up because she was the coolest girl ever.

So high school ended for Mary and me. We went on to college, No Doubt went on to super stardom and Gwen Stefani became the girl that thousands of girls wanted to grow up to be.
Mary and I lost touch. My No Doubt tapes turned into CD’s and then then an Ipod playlist. Gwen Stefani launched a solo career, a clothing line and had babies.
Life went forward.
Enter Facebook and the new era of reconnecting to old friends. 
Mary and I found ourselves in similar places in our “simple kind of life”.  Both teachers, both married, her with a baby on the way and me with 2 little ones and another one in the tummy also.
We were both finding out that what seemed like a “simple kind of life” when we were in high school, was really quit complicated.  As working women with husbands and children, we realized how difficult it had become balancing everything, plus finding space for ourselves.   Luckily Mary, to dig out a little girl niche for herself, started selling Stella and Dot jewelry at home.  She throws amazing  “girls night out” jewelry parties where a bunch of us working mammas can get together, share, dine and do a little shopping.
Amelija, Mary’s daughter turned 1!
If you don’t have kids, you may believe that it is a “simple” thing to plan for such an event .  Welcome to the new world of parties, which are anything but simple. When we were growing up, a party consisted of store bought cartoon plates/table cloth/napkins/cups, homemade cake, a balloon or two and  a pin the tail on the donkey game. 
Today, parties take their cue straight from the Martha Steward playbook.  Parties now are chic, tailored to theme and down- right uber adorable!  No one decorates for a party better than Mary.  Every single detail of this party was thought out, planned and executed to perfection. Part of the photos I took of the decoration were for my own reference so I could steal the ideas for my own parties.
I am soooooooooo stealing this idea for mess free veggie dipping!
It’s my party and I”ll cry if I want to!

I could not take enough photos of Amelija and her adorable outfit! 
So much cuteness at one party!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, Mary’s talent continues.   She made Amelija’s head piece.  Maybe it’s better I have boys because I would not know the first place to start to make something that cool.
Those eyes!!!! 
This is a girl that won’t need makeup when she grows up.

Amelija with Grandma. 
 One of my most treasured photos is of my Grandfather holding Konnor on his first birthday.
Amelija and The God Father
Mary thought of everything, including making silly photo props! 

Mary and her mini me. 

Daddies little princess
Hold on Dad and embrace ever moment, it goes by so fast.

Sooooooooooooo much love, sooooooooooooooo much cuteness, soooooooooooo much fun!
I told you, Mary thought of everything for this party, including real live Ladybugs!
I’m throwing Kingston a sockmonkey first birthday next year, could I go with a real monkey? 
Ok, nix the real live animal idea.

Mary, I am so excited to have you in my life.  Your family is so beautiful.  Your daughter is beyond cute.  Your talent of decorating is out of this world.  Thank you for allowing me to capture Amelija’s first birthday.