In this world of fast-food, drive by friendships which social networking has brought about, I cherish more than ever a friendship that is built on years and not posts.
Meet the beautiful, charming and delightful Guenivere and Irelyn
These two are the daughters of one of my oldest friends, Andrea. I have literally known Andrea since I was born. More than that, our parents and grandparents were all friends. It may seem a little strange to an outsider, but we both are apart of 3-4 generations of families that grew up in the Salvation Army. “What?” I can hear people say. “Isn’t that a thrift store and charity?”
Yes, but it is also a strong and thriving church; A church which has its roots in 19th century England. The Salvation Army began in 1865 when William Booth, a London minister, gave up the comfort of his pulpit and decided to take his message into the streets where it would reach the poor, the homeless, the hungry and the destitute.
I was sooooooooooo super excited when I found out I was going to have the opportunity to photograph Guenivere and Irelyn
If you have been following my posts you know how much I adore photographing girls because I don’t have the opportunity in my personal life……..enter my 3 little boys
I’m a girlie girl in my heart of hearts. I love pretty dresses, hair ribbons and makeup. I love being a girl! In the words of another Gwen, “I’m just a Girl”. So when I get the occasion to style and photograph a girlie girl shoot I jump at it! No I LEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guenivere and Irelyn radiated the simple, sweet, mysterious and striking essence of childhood.
There was no posing for these two. They were 100% REAL.
There was no posing for these two. They were 100% REAL.
Capturing children in an un-posed and organic state is what I strive to embody in my photographs. Sure, I’ll throw in a prop or two, but the essence of what I want is uncontrived. I want their mother to have an image where she will remember this moment in time when life was so innocent, so pure and in so many ways, uncomplicated.
It’s those moments caught when they don’t think anyone is looking.
It’s that look your children give you which speaks a thousand words only you know
It’s the smirk or wink in their face that distinguishes your little one from ever other child in the world.

A photo that makes you wonder what you did before these little munchkins came into your life.
It’s that photo that brings a tear or two to your eye.
I have found with my own children, as the years so quickly pass by, it’s the little details I’m thankful I captured and froze in time.
A child’s eyes do not lie
Eyes, which at times can embody the spirit of generations past
Eyes that reflect the truth of words unsaid
Eyes that look to you to teach, protect, nurture and love
That is the word which I am trying to instill into my world, my children’s world and my photography world.
That is the word which I am trying to instill into my world, my children’s world and my photography world.

A simple flower, a simple bat and ball, a simple smile, a simple day at the park. Simple, yet so profound and meaningful.

Small and simple can speak volumes

A Simple Kind of Life
Andrea, I am blessed to have a friend like you; a friendship that is built on years of growing up, joys, trials, learning and our love of the Lord. Guenivere and Irelyn thank you for letting me into your world and for having “girl” time with me.
As my mother use to say to me, “the truth is in your eyes”