Seeing the Soul

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I posted this quote recently on my Facebook page and I believe it pertains to this shoot in so many ways.  
Sean is about to leave to start his training in the US military.  Every year thousands of men and woman serve in our armed forced.  Sometimes we forget that each one is someones son or daughter…….one of our babies.  Not just another face but a soul.  
Playing off the above quote, I wanted to capture Sean’s and his families soul.   I wanted the viewer to see beneath into the surface and into the depth of the person.

So before he left, Sean’s mother wanted to have photos of the whole family.  As a mother of sons I can’t begin to image how proud she is but also how scared.  Sean’s sister Amie texted me earlier this week.  Her mother had been crying since he left and she was excited to get her these photos to cheer her heart.  
It’s times like this that I am reminded the power and privilege I have by taking photographs.  My camera can be a vehicle to bringing joy and filling ones heart.
I was so honored to be able to capture these treasured memories for her.

Sean, our nation is proud of you and grateful for your service.