Only a Chapter: A Cancer Survivors Story Posted on In her own words: Keri Imai Hedgren This chapter in my book is not one I intended on having written but then again, who grows up saying that they’ll get cancer one day. It’s been a challenge to say the least but I am reminded of the strength and grace of those who have had similar chapters written in their own biographies and I am filled with hope because of their story. As I grew up I started believing that I knew just about everything there was to know about life. Then one of those life changing events reminded me that I’m still learning and just navigating the pages. (Getting married, having kids, losing my mom or getting cancer.) They’re all reminders that I’m a work in progress and that alone I can’t do anything but by the grace of God and with the help, love and strength from others, I am able to accomplish tasks and feats that seemed impossible. These events tested my faith, caused some friends to become shadows and made me realize just who would be there through the good and bad. Cancer is something constantly on my mind each and every second of each and every day. There’s no escaping it. So while others can put the book down and revisit it at a convenient time, these pages live vividly in my mind at all times. No, the chapter is not finished for me (not yet) but as I begin to turn the page and see the last paragraph in sight, I am reminded that soon a new chapter will begin with new adventures and journeys but until the book is complete, I will continue to fight! X Exit full screen gallery ⇗ Open full size image → Next image 0 of 0 ← Previous image Share this:FacebookX