My Monkey

My little monkey Kingston James is about to turn 1.
The WHOLE reason I picked up a camera was to take beautiful photos of my boys.  They are my reason for ALL that I do. 

 So with that said, I’m doing a mini post of the photos I took for Kingston’s birthday card invitation. 

I’ll give you a guess what our theme is going to be!
Kaleb LOVES his baby brother more than almost anything else in his life.  I asked him why he likes Kingston so much and he said, “because he is soooooooooo fun!”  Konnor and Kaleb literally fight to see who gets to sit by and play with Kingston.  I am holding on to these days because I know soon they will be fighting to get away from each other.
Kaleb has told me he will always protect Kingston and never let anything hurt him.
If you love the sock monkey hat Kingston is wearing as much as I do, you can order one of your very own at  Beckys Baby Crochet