A Mother’s Prayer

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Love the Lord with all your Heart, Mind and Soul
I sit here to write this blog and I can’t find the words.  Why did I do this shoot?  The first reason is I HAVE to photograph my boys every month.  Yes, I love photography, but I love photography first and foremost for my own personal selfish reasons; my family. 
As we move into the second year that my Grandfather has passed, I treasure every photo I have of him with my boys.  Time makes the images of a persons face start to fade.  With a photo I can be taken back to that moment in time.  I can see the wrinkles and brown spots on my Grandfathers strong hands as he grasps onto my sons soft, small and new little hand.
Why this talk of my Grandfather?  The Bible in this shoot was his family Bible.  He was the spiritual rock of our family.  He prayed for my boys.
I pray for my boys daily.  I pray that they will grow to follow God.  I pray that they will lead lives which  are righteous, honest and…………I am out of words as my heart is filled up with Love for these little men.

 I asked Kaleb and Konnor to say a little prayer by the cross.  Everytime Konnor prays he covers his face completely.  He has such a tender heart.

 Last summer at VBS, Kaleb walked to the front and gave his heart to the Lord.  Nothing else matters unless my children know God.
 I think of the hours my Grandfather spent pouring over these pages, marking passages that spoke to him and living the words he read.
I love you my sons. 
“May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you,
and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give
you peace.”