As a teacher, my passion is not only for dispensing knowledge but for learning myself. I love, love, love learning!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am especially passionate for learning about history and culture. When a period film comes out, I want to see it regardless of when it took place or who it’s about. I want to see it and discover knowledge I did not know. I probably would have enjoyed being a history major if it wasn’t for all the date memorization. In the end it was the love of literature that won me over and landed with me with a BA in English. At least within the pages of a book, I could still gain information about a culture or time I never lived in. Historical fiction is some of my favorite genres.

Thanks to Vannia I have been able to learn about the culture and history of Mariachi
The Mariachi is a mix of culture, spiritualality and tradition which is unique to Mexico. The mariachi originated in the southern part of the state of Jalisco, in Western Mexico, sometime in the 19th century. The mariachi is the sum of a cultural evolution that has taken place over the last century in Mexico. It was the music of country people; music that celebrated the joys, the struggles, and the triumphs of the Mexican people.

The term “Mariachi” is said to be an adaptation of the French word for marriage or wedding, as this type of musical formation was used to play at marriage events. Their songs speak about love, betrayal, death, politics, revolutionary heroes and animals. The most famous Mariachi song that almost everyone knows is “La Cucaracha”.
Vannia is a member of a Mariachi band that plays at events and competitions. She is currently gearing up for the 6th Annual Battle of the Mariachis Festival, which will be held at San Juan Capistrano Mission.
I will be packing a lunch, grabbing my double stroller with kids in tow, throwing a zoom lens on my camera and making my way down to see her perform at the end of this month.

Vannia is a girl on the go! While finishing up her senior year of high school, she is also working in the school play and is constantly traveling all around Southern California to perform with her mariachi band. I get tired just hearing about all that she does.

Even with all that she does, Vannia is ALWAYS dressed to the nines. No sweats for this girl!

I seriously want to have makeup lessons from Vannia! Her makeup is embecable and can rival any Mac counter artist.

Vannia, you are one of the most talented, beautiful and hardworking girls I have met. NEVER change! You are about to take the world by storm.