Kindred Spirits

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They say if you get to the end of your life and you can count your true friends on one hand you are blessed.  For me one of those people Dana.  

Dana and I met in our junior year of college at Pepperdine University. From the moment I met Dana I knew that she was a kindred spirit.  She is one of those people I can share anything with.  I could go years without talking to her and I know we could pick up right were we left off.  
Fast forward to today……….

Dana gave up a career as a lawyer to be a stay at home mom and home schooling with her three beautiful children. 

Dana, thank you for being my dear friend.  Even though we didn’t see you a lot, a 40 minute drive was a lot closer than where you are now.  Kaleb keeps asking when we get to see you guys again.
We miss you already!