I love originality! Even more then that, I love original people who cut through the mold of trying to be what the world expects them to be and shines as there own unique spirit.
Meet the most orignial, unique spirit I’ve come into contact with in a very long time…….Amanda. She is a Marylin Manson loving, black wearing, real life varsity cheerleader. No joke!
I first meet Amanda as the quiet, dark clothes wearing girl in the back of my art class. As a lover of the more “alternative” bands myself, I would admire her concert t-shirts, creeper shoes and style that reminded me of my own high school years.
Surprise, surprise, suprise……….in walked Amanda at the first football game of the school year in full Cheerleader garb, including a bouncing blond ponytail, tied with ribbon. ![](https://i0.wp.com/box2039.temp.domains/~cvhsphot/wendykathleenphotographyblog/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/amanda+077.jpg?resize=428%2C640)
I asked her if this was something she was being made to do by her family as it seemed so out of character for her. She responded, “No, I just really love to tumble. This is for me.” That was the moment I realized just what an innovative young woman Amanda was.
When the idea came up of doing a photo-shoot of Amanda that combined her whole personality of both her dark side and her cheerleader side, I jumped at the chance. No matter how long I live, I will never have another opportunity like this again! How many gothic cheerleaders do you know?
Yes ladies and gentlemen, not only does she cheer, she plays guitar and rides a skateboard. See why I love this girl!
I use to have a pair of boots like this in high school…..
just with less shine.
Get ready for the jump! The girl has moves on the cheerleading
squad and off.
On of my favorite shots of the shoot. Look at those eyes!
There is so much inside this young lady. Take an hour or two to talk with her and you will be opened to her inner world.
Eyes are the window to the soul. The rest is just a costume.
Amanda you are an amazing young lady with so much beauty, talent and originality.
Never change who you are! You are one of a kind!
On a personal note, Amanda reminded me so much of myself it was a little uncanny. When I was in high school I had a “dark” gothic period, but secretly in the privacy of my own home, I would watch on ESPN the cheerleading competitions and practice tumbling. It wasn’t until years later that the second half of my personality got to come out when I became an Anaheim Ducks and Angels cheerleader. By that time, I had hung up my Doc Martins and just looked like a blond haired normal cheerleader.