Fight Club

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1st Rule of Fight Club: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB.

2nd RULE of Fight Club: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB.

I think I am probably one of the few girls that loves the movie Fight Club.  Move past the violence and the movie makes some profound statements about our society.  It’s a real guy movie, but I still love it.  
Although I started this post about Fight Club, the movie wasn’t the inspiration for this shoot.  The boxing theme literally came out of nowhere from the collective unconscious.  Once I get an idea in my head I have to act on it.  It drives my husband a bit crazy, but that is how I work.  I threw on jeans and a wife beater on the boys, plunked them into the car, made a quick stop at the local sporting goods store to purchase a couple pairs of boxing gloves and stopped at our location for a quick impromptu photo shoot. 
This shoot was for me.  It turned out a million times better than I had imagined.  The first photo of the boys has become my current favorite of them.
Whole dressing, buying and shooting time: 1hour and 10 minutes.
Not bad for a last second inspiration.