Cool Rider

You will all have to forgive me, but I have been short on words these last few months.  More and more I am letting my photographs do the talking.  Besides the amazing cuteness of these little boys, two other things inspired this shoot.
1. Grease 2 
2. The giant Orange hot air balloon in the great park in Orange County

I think I may be the only one that was obsessed with Grease 2.  Grease (the original) was fun and cute but I could have taken or left it.  For me, it was all about Michael Carrington and  Stephanie Zinone. I wanted to be Michelle Pfeiffer.  I wanted a “Cool Rider”.  I taped the movie off TV and watched it so many times that I wore out the vhs tape.  To this day I can still quote every lyric from the soundtrack.
I have had this idea for a while.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE balloons.  We live near a giant orange hot air balloon.  You can see it from almost everywhere when it’s up in the sky.  A giant balloon!  I think the idea of going up in a hot air balloon is so romantic………yet I am terrified of heights!  Therefore I decided to create a mini me version of the hot air balloon.  
Hang on tight and don’t look straight down!

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