Contest Winner

 You never know where you will meet your next client
They may find you through your website
They may see on of your photos on Facebook

A friend may recommend you
(the best thank you I can get!)
 Or you can do a nice deed and have it given back to you
 That is how the Hundley family came into my life
 Bryan, Tara, Savannah and Phoenix
 This family was just dripping with cutiness and love the first time a saw them
 I was on a trash the dress shoot at the beach
 I saw this family taking turns photographing their children one parent at a time
 My mamma and photographer instincts jumped into gear at the same time
 I offered to take a photo of them all together
 I shared my photography and facebook site with them so they could see the trash the dress photos they had seen me shooting
 I didn’t think of it again for weeks
 I was nearing the 1000 mark of fans on Facebook
 What better way to celebrate this landmark and thank everyone for the support than to give away a free photoshoot!
 I posted the contest and asked people to tell me why they would like the free shoot
I was so overwhelmed with the amazing and heart felt responses that I couldn’t just pick one

What was I to do?
Take it to a random drawing
 And the winner was the Hundley’s
 The same family I had taken a quick picture of weeks ago on the beach
 Turns out Tara went home and “liked” my page on Facebook and entered the contest
It seemed like the obvious choice for our session was the same beach in Laguna where we had first met
 From the second I started snapping photos of these two little dolls I realized that I was the one who was the winner of this contest
 Savannah was beyond a natural in front of the lens.  The camera just ate up her personality and uber cuteness.  She was a pure little ham.  And Phoenix……well he was just pure little boy!  A little boy who was just out of the toddler stage but not yet a “big boy”. 
That amazing time of a little boy between one and two years old.  (Remember I know this well because i have 3 little boys).
If you had to pick one word to discribe The Hundley’s it would be PLAYFUL
 It didn’t take much prompting from me to get these amazing shots
 I had soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many amazing shots I could hardly narrow them down
 So many precious and  uncontrived moments from this session
 Such real emotion of laughter and love
 And a few shots of Savannah that I knew would make their way onto my main website……could her blue pea coat been any cuter?
 Could her smile been any more charming? 
 Daddy is going to have to chase the boys away from this little beauty
No one will ever be able to take the place of the mommy in a little boys heart

 All other girls that come into Phoenix’s life will never measure up to his mommy
 Tara I hope that you will be able to treasure these photos through the years
The small little hand which will someday be bigger than yours
These are the most precious of days
 I am so glad that I got to capture these fleeting moments for your family
I am so glad that I stopped to take your families photo that summer day at the beach
 Thank you for joining my facebook page
 Thank you for sharing your beautiful family and your joy with me
Thank you also to everyone that entered the contest.  Thank you for your support of my photography.  I wish I could have chosen all of you!