Chubby Cheeks

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I am OBSESSED with these Chubby Cheeks. 
My two oldest sons ask me every night if I can pull up the photos of the chubby cheek baby. 
They can not get enough of her! 
After seeing an episode of Friends, the boys have altered the quote and taken to saying,
“Same on you!  Chubby Cheek baby judges you!”
Now Friends fans, which one of you can name the episode this is taken from?
6 months ago I got to photograph her newborn photos
If you haven’t had a chance to see that blog post, get ready for extreme cuteness.
Are you falling in love with the head pieces on this shoot and her newborn photos?
 You can find them and other amazing items on here mommy’s Etsy store.
If you are like me and have boys, don’t fear! 
 I’ve already twisted their arms into starting with a boys line in the new year!