The Wonder Years

 We grown up in a heartbeat
It isn’t always easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what’s to come in the future.
 People talk about how the high school years will stay with you forever.  How what happens in those four years shapes you for life.
 I on the other hand, believe that the middle school years are the ones that shaped me more than any other time in life.
The Wonder Years.  For me it was more than a tv show to pass the time.  It was a written script of what I was feeling but couldn’t put into words.  The show started in 1988…… my junior high years.

 I’ve been wanting to do a middle school shoot for a long time now.  We capture and freeze time with senior photos……..
But what about the Wonder Years? 
 When I think back to the popular girls in junior high, they still remain in my mind the most beautiful and coolest people I’ve ever seen.
The days when you are too old to play with dolls, but too young to date.
The time of your first kiss
(shhhhhhhh don’t tell Dad)
 You try to act sooooooooo cool…….
 But still can’t help acting like a little girl
The days when you had to have a pair of  designer jeans
(remember the little triangle for guess jeans?  A lot cheaper than True Religions) 
 You live in the makeup section at CVS
 and wear more makeup than at any other time of your life.
Going to the mall isn’t just a trip for shopping but a chance to flirt with cute guys 
The first school dance……which leads to your first slow dance with a song that you will never forget.
 Giggling that is pure and innocentThis time in life when everything seems to be either black or white……
 While the rest of us can see the color in between.
The best friend you make in middle school will be your sister in your heart forever.  
They are the girl friends who you dreamed together with, cried with and laughted with.
Sometimes these years are cross road where you make a decision to follow the signs for the correct path…..
 or go the wrong direction
When Babysitting was your first job
 Your friends opions seem to matter more than your parents…….
 You started to get your first taste of freedom without your parents…….

 But still need them for a hug and encouraging words when your heart got broken
Maybe too many of us forget what it’s like to be 13. 
Those really were the wonder years.