Change the World with a Paint Brush

Imagine your world without Art…….
Void of color, design, expression……. 
Art is a universal language
Sometimes it whispers its message
Other times Art has screamed its message so loud
it has changed the course of our society
Art moves our souls
Art uses symbols, color, movement and form to convey
thoughts and feelings we can’t put into words
Art gives a voice to the voiceless
Art is enjoyed by the masses, but is a calling for few
Art for me is like breathing…….I have to be creating it to survive
For many of the students who have crossed my path
Art has become their life blood
Art is not just what they do, but who they are
Art gaves them a voice,
a purpose,
a direction,
 a career path…….
A chance to change the world with a paint brush
A splash of yellow, a dab of serelium or the absence of color
Are combined on the canvas expressing a message deeper than words
Paige has to paint in order to survive
Take away her canvas and she will paint on her dresser and walls
Take away her paints and she will draw on her skin
Art is not what Paige does
Art is what Paige is

Paige you are one of the most gifted and visionary artists I have ever known.  Your soul and heart are only matched by your talent.  I will never forget the baked goods you brought my family during one of hard darkest days.  The painted box you gave me remains on my desk and is one of my most treasured gifts.
Change the world with your brush!