George’s Story

 This a story about a little boy named George.
 I asked his mom if she would write up a little something about George.  The following is written from her heart about her little boy.
 On March 12, 2007 our son George Dennis Giakos came into our lives. Immediately after birth the doctor’s noticed that his head was swollen with extra fluid. Our doctor thought it was just hydrocephalus but wanted to do an ultra sound just to make sure. A few hours later an ultra sound tech. came in to inform us that it was a large brain tumor that took up 80% of the left hemisphere of his head.

 Doctors initially believed the tumor was benign but said it would need to be removed right away. The following morning at less than one day old George underwent brain surgery.
 While the surgery was extremely dangerous it was necessary for George’s survival. After about 4 hours and 4 blood transfusions George made it out of brain surgery. Our doctor was able to remove the majority of the tumor except for a small piece located on his brain stem. The doctor told us that there was no way to remove the whole tumor because it would cause our son to bleed to death.

 A few days after the surgery we were informed of some very difficult news. The results of the biopsy of the tumor showed that George had Glioblastoma Multiform (GBM) Stage 4 Brain Cancer. Which if most of you don’t know is one of the most aggressive cancers there is.

 They informed us that with this type of cancer your life expectancy is only a couple of years maximum. The only way to stop this cancer is to remove it. Removing the tumor was not an option we had because like I said before because of the location of the tumor if they removed it he would not make it past surgery.

Our options were then given to us to help extend our son’s life. Chemotherapy!!!
Scary especially since the doctors told us that babies and chemo don’t mix. But we had to do everything we could. On March 26th George began a 42 day regimen of Chemo. The doctors would like to shrink the tumor as much as possible, then go back in for a 2nd brain surgery to remove any of the remaining tumor.

 We had an updated MRI after his 1st round of chemo and our doctor said it was very encouraging. The tumor had not grown (which they said it would) and he said that he thinks he can get it. And if he can get it we can hope for a long term life with our son. Praise God!!!

 On July 3rd 2007 George had his second brain surgery. The doctor came into the room afterwards and told us he got it all. (Unless there is any free floating cancer cells). We had a follow up MRI a few weeks after the surgery and his brain was completely clear of any tumor. Yeah!!!!
Our strong faith in God is helping us to stay optimistic and appreciate every second of time that God will allow George to be in our life. The doctor’s have said from the beginning that the prognosis can change at any time and that we must take things one day at a time. As for right now George is at home with us his 6 -year-old sister Maya and baby sister Allie. He finished his 6th round of chemo in February of 2008 and is still tumor free. That’s 4 YEARS TUMOR FREE. We believe that George is a beautiful miracle that God has placed in our lives.
 George continues to struggle with side effects that the tumor caused. He has many developmental delays including seizures, and not being able to walk and talk. He is completely dependent on us. Fortunately our big boy is a fighter. God is with George every step of the way and I know that he won’t ever give up.
Anne, I have tears in my eyes as I retype this for the blog.  Thank you for allowing me to photography your beautiful and amazing family.  I know many others will have George in their prayers also.