Tis the Season for Christmas Cards

I adore going to my mailbox during December.  Every day there is a new supply of handwritten envelopes.  They jump out between the bills like bits of candy waiting to be unwrapped.  It’s Christmas Card season!!!!!

Even when the Grinch in me emerges during this season, my heart always seems to grow like our little green friend when I get a new Christmas card.

My absolute favorite cards to get and display are the photo Christmas cards.

It’s such a treat to see how my friends and family have grown, changed or added a new little bundle to their lives.  A picture is worth a thousand words.  These photos tell me such a story.

It’s always a honor when a family choices me to take their family photo for their Christmas cards.  I get the chance to create beautiful photos which not only the family see but will brig joy all those they send a card to.  I feel like I’m spreading Christmas cheer!

As I write this, I’ve personally just sent my own family photo (well it’s just the boys in the photo this year) to the printers for Christmas card making.  I love the process of stuffing envelopes and licking the stampes as I sort through the cards.  I take pride in handwriting each address on the envelope.  I think about each person and how they are a blessing in my life, as I write out their address.

When we receive our Christmas cards, I show each one to my boys and explain to them how we know the people on the cards.  I try to instill in them how important good friends are the joy it brings others to share in Christmas card sharing.
I am wishing all of you a wonderful and blessed holiday season. 
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
Luke 2:14